The Online Marketplace for Home Improvement and Construction Services

Service Provider Profile

Provider ID: 2591-UT

Company highlights and achievements:
I am the best there is out there on the market.

Salt Lake County, UT

Primary Services:


Secondary Services:

Handyperson / Odd Jobs

Company Details

Years of experience: 25
Number of employees: 20
Licensed: No
Insured: Yes

Financial Details

Labor deposit required prior to start: 10%
Maximum upfront material budget: $1000
Labor Warranty: 1 year
Payment flexibility: 30 days after completion
Accepted payment methods:
  • Cash
  • Credit Card
  • Check
  • Money Order
  • PayPal

Service Sold Stats

Overall Rating -
Punctuality -
Neatness / Cleanliness -
Work Quality -
Professionalism -
Value For The Money -
Projects Awarded 0
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Stats are based on most frequent score.

Before & After Gallery

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