The porch deck needs to be re-decked, and new handrails and spindles will need to be installed for this job. All old decking, hand-railings, and spindles on the porch need to be removed, hauled away, and discarded. Once the decking is removed, access and repair the ''under decking'' (if required). The porch will then need to be re-decked with pressure-treated green wood decking (approximately 160 square feet). Additionally, we need to rebuild the handrails with 2x4 pressure-treated green wood and spindles (approximately 32 linear feet). Finally, there are four steps that need replacing (as shown in the photos). I will pay for the all pressure-treated decking boards, 2x4s, spindles, lumber, and deck screws for this job. However, you will need to pick them up at Big D''s Lumber on Broadway Ave (only 2.7 miles from job site).
Present condition of project area:
This is what the customer is envisioning: